One Sunco Blogger’s Opinions on The Exhibits Showcased at Light + Building 2024



Back in March 2024 Light + Building opened its doors to the international lighting and building technology industry in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. This biennial event is always highly anticipated and globally recognized as the world’s largest lighting trade show and conference. The three top themes of Light + Building express the ideals that will be essential for living, working and mobility in the future. These themes are sustainability, connectivity, and work/life balance. 

With these in mind, I’d like to take some time to discuss the highs and lows of this showcase, in the ways that pertain to the themes, as a humble blogger. Consider this the Met Gala Dress Rating, but for lights.  



I’ll be looking at these exhibits through the lens of Light + Building’s themes, as well as throwing in my own opinions on style and functionality. A win to me is something that I would consider timeless, functional, and unique. Something that I could see in at a nice theater, but also at my dentist's office.  

In contrast, a loss would be something I deem impractical, both functionally and stylistically. I would look at a loss and think “cute, but why?” That said, Let’s get into it.  


My Wins: 


Artemide—Stellar Nebula  


I actually gasped when I saw these for the first time. I especially love when they’re layered together to create a cloud of bubbles. According to the designer of these lights, Stellar Nebula “interprets and enhances artisan glass blowing with innovative finishing techniques.” Not only do I love the “soap bubble” look of these lights, but I really appreciate that the core of this design aims to find a solution to industrial uniqueness by implementing sturdy yet beautiful blown glass. 

The company uses three different sizes of blowing molds to generate pieces that are always unique. The glass is then treated with an innovative dichroic finishing process to ensure that they stay clear and crisp. Taking a skill such as glass blowing and incorporating it into a functional design element is a huge win for sustainability and connectivity.  


Knickerbocker lighting – Buchi Ceiling light  


If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I love space (both personal and cosmic). These lights made me gasp when I saw them. The small, halfmoon cuts in the metal framing of the lights give the illusion of cosmic light refraction. Some of the cuts even look like the solar eclipse we just had, which I find very unique. 

The new collection of Buchi furniture lamps is inspired by the immensity of the sky, the stars, and the constellations. The design is made from sustainable aluminum and is easily recycled. They can be either suspended or mounted to wall/ceiling and add a pop of personality to any environment.   


Wild Land Lighting  


Wild Land wasn’t always in the lighting business. After launching the "World's First Wireless, Remote Control, Automatic Car Roof-Top Tent”, their mission has been to bring ease of access luxury to the great outdoors. Their new line of wireless LED lamps tap into a very specific niche of the lighting world. These are the kinds of things I would want with me on a cute little night picnic (because who the hell wants to sit in the 95+ degree summer sun to eat little sandwiches).  

Each lamp also doubles as a Bluetooth speaker and has RGB capabilities, putting that work + living feature into practice. These lamps are made from hemp, bamboo and biodegradable plastic. For being so new to the lighting game, their tactical approach to outdoor design does not go unappreciated.  


My Losses:  


Martinelli Luce Lighting - Multidot 


Let me be clear, what I consider a “loss” personally does not mean that these are bad products or companies. Take the Multidot here for example—Considering the showcase’s own guidelines for functionality and sustainability, I find that this specific exhibit misses the mark. I feel that some of their other products may have been a better choice to feature at this exhibition. 

Martinelli describes the fixture as being “Inspired by the chandeliers of the past,” and that it “offers a modern interpretation of this suspension, updating it from a compositional, expressive and technological point of view.” While I can appreciate the nuance, I can’t get past the impracticality of a hundred teeny tiny bulbs. One blown LED sphere and the whole fixture is compromised. And while I recognize that the design celebrates versatility, putting this in practice seems like a nightmare. 


IIII Be Light –IIII.02 


I think that these fixtures are stunning. They look like silhouettes of fish swimming underwater or flying potato chips. I really do like the design. My gripe comes from the practicality as well as the light itself.  

IIII Be creates these sculpture-like fixtures out of LEDs and layers of stretched fabric. This gives the light a very dynamic and flowy feel. The interweaving of fabric and LEDs is a cool concept, but the upkeep is so impractical that I could only see this working in a liminal space museum. The fabric would collect dust and the brass rods holding the LEDs in place would oxidize over time. Is it gorgeous? Absolutely. Does that make me overlook its lack of functionality? Unfortunately, it does not.  


Lightnet – Ringo Star G3/P3 


Lightnet as a company does an amazing job at subscribing to net-zero emission and sustainable practices. They manufacture all of their products in-house to minimize transport and shipping waste, so they gain points in that department.  

However, after taking a look at their product line up, I feel like they could have delivered more in their Ringo Star units—which, sorry, they’re not even star shaped? What’s that about?  

These LED rings do, however, come in many different sizes, adding layers and depth to the ceiling. Unfortunately, in every space I’ve seen these implemented, they look more like a statement art piece than a light fixture. The slim design is easily overshadowed as they don’t seem to work well as the stand-alone feature.  

They’re sleek, modern, and come from an eco-friendly company, but these LED circles fall a bit flat compared to some of the other lights in their catalogue. 


Overall Thoughts 

As a person operating within the lighting industry, I would still by no means consider myself an expert in lighting design and luxury products, so take my commentary with however much salt you’d like. At the end of the day, these are my opinions, and this was never meant to sway you on these exhibits/products one way or another.  

In fact, I would love to hear from you if you disagree with my thoughts. I only pulled 6 out of hundreds of stunning LED exhibits on display at the Light + Building Showcase, so you can see the full list of vendors and exhibits here. 

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