• Title 20 & Title 24; What Do They Mean?

    Title 20 & Title 24; What Do They Mean?

      Table of Contents Title 20 Title 20 performance requirements  Title 24 Title 24 Performance Requirements What’s the Difference Between Title 20 and Title 24? When Did These Standards First Appear? From California to the Rest of the Country Why Are These Energy Standards So Important?   Remember in the 90’s when people thought that we would have flying cars and time travel by...
  • Power Lines are Moving Underground—How this Impacts You

    Power Lines are Moving Underground—How this Impacts You

      Have you ever looked up at the cluttered power lines, tangled around those tall, splintering wooden poles and thought “that doesn’t look very safe”? In a handful of cases, you’d actually be correct. Power lines can be extremely dangerous because they carry high voltages of electricity, and many times, those messy high-voltage lines haven’t been updated in years. Should you ever come into...
  • Installing Your High Bays; Everything You Need to Know

    Installing Your High Bays; Everything You Need to Know

    Congratulations! You just received your long-awaited order of Sunco High Bays in the mail, and you’re excited to get them installed. The only hitch in your plan is that you aren’t quite sure how many you’ll need per square foot—you don’t want it so bright that you blind anyone who enters your space, but you want it bright enough to keep things operating efficiently....
  • How LEDs are Solving the “Great Lightbulb Conspiracy”

    How LEDs are Solving the “Great Lightbulb Conspiracy”

    Have you ever heard of “The Great Lightbulb Conspiracy”? It isn’t quite as popular as other conspiracies like the moon landing, or 8-foot-tall shadow people at the Miami mall, which is honestly pretty unfortunate. I feel like with recent distrust in governments and corporations, more people would be jumping on the wagon over something like this.   Essentially, the Great Lightbulb Conspiracy is a study...
  • Why These Solar Path Lights are Perfect for Dog Owners

    Why These Solar Path Lights are Perfect for Dog Owners

    Your four-legged friend isn’t just a house pet—they’re more like family. I mean, statistically, 76% of millennials prefer to have pets over babies, and more than half of that statistic consider their pet as their kids!  As pet parents, you want to make sure that your pup is taken care of and kept safe. For dog owners specifically, there is one space that we...
  • This is the Only Kind of Grow Light you Should be Using

    This is the Only Kind of Grow Light you Should be Using

    According to the magical groundhog from Pennsylvania, Spring is on its way! The problem is I don’t think the weather has quite gotten the memo yet.  In many parts of the United States, cold fronts are wiping out crops and outdoor gardens—even greenhouses are struggling with this seasonal cold.    Don’t panic. Hope isn’t completely lost if you still want to see your garden...


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