Why Isn’t my Dusk to Dawn Bulb Working?

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So, you bought yourself a shiny new Dusk to Dawn bulb from Sunco and you’re ready to bring that sweet automatic light-on, light-off magic to your space. Unfortunately, it's not working like it's supposed to.  

First things first—don’t panic. We've all been there, and the solution might be simpler than you think. Before you decide to toss it out the window (or, you know, return it), let’s go over some common reasons why your Dusk to Dawn bulb might be acting up.  

1. It's Being Used Inside  

Let’s start with a classic misconception. The Dusk to Dawn bulb is designed for outdoor use only. While not technically “solar powered”, the bulb automatically turns on when the sun sets and turns off when it rises. Installing one of these in your living room won’t allow the photocell sensor inside the D2D bulb to get the necessary natural light cues it requires to trigger its shift from day to night. 

The fix: If you're trying to use the Dusk to Dawn bulb indoors, sorry, but you’re just not going to get the full effect. Try moving the bulb outside or placing it in a location where it can experience the natural light changes throughout the day. And, if you want indoor lighting similar to the D2D effect, you can try Sunco’s smart bulbs, which can dim and change colors by using voice commands or through the app. 

2. It’s Facing a Reflective Surface  

If your Dusk to Dawn bulb is installed facing a window or a mirror, this could confuse the technology. All the natural sunlight bouncing around the room can trick the bulb into thinking it’s still daytime, even as the sun sets. The bulb gets fooled and doesn’t activate when it should. 

The fix: Make sure your bulb is placed in a spot where the photocell sensor can sense the natural light directly. Avoid placing it near reflective surfaces like mirrors, glass, or windows where sunlight bounces back at it.  

3. The Photocell Sensor is Covered  

The most important part of your Dusk to Dawn bulb is the photocell sensor. Sometimes they are easy to see, like a red circle on the outside of the bulb. Other times, they are hidden within the filament of the bulb itself. If your D2D bulb is covered in dust, a lampshade, or anything that obstructs the photocell sensor, it’s not going to be able to work properly. 

The fix: Check around the bulb and make sure the sensor is clear and unobstructed. This little sensor needs to see the light (and the dark) to work its magic, so give it a good view. 

4. It’s in an Enclosed Fixture  

Like the last point, the D2D bulb needs an open fixture. When you tuck the bulb away in a covered fixture, the sensor can’t detect the light properly, and the bulb may not turn on or off as intended. This also applies to the location of the fixture itself. For example, Dusk to Dawn bulbs are great for outdoor sconces, but an outdoor porch fixture may not be viable, as they are fairly hidden from the sun. 

The fix: If the bulb is in an enclosed fixture, consider switching it to a more open one (like this Sunco sconce). You want the photocell sensor to be able to "see" the natural light, so give it some room to work. 

5. It’s Not Getting Enough Natural Light  

Let’s say you’ve got your Dusk to Dawn bulb set up outdoors in an open area, but it’s still not working. This could be because the bulb isn’t getting enough natural light during the day to set its internal clock. This happens in shady spots or areas with heavy tree cover. The bulb might think it’s still dark out because it hasn’t been exposed to enough sunlight. 

The fix: Try moving the bulb to a sunnier spot where it can get plenty of daylight. Make sure it’s in a place without too much shade during the day. 

6. It’s Too Close to Artificial Light  

Artificial lights like streetlamps or porch lights can mess with the Dusk to Dawn bulb's sensor, especially if the bulb is installed too close to these lights. Your bulb’s photocell sensor is just as sensitive to artificial light as you would be (you don’t sleep with the lights on, do you?), and it might get confused about whether it should be on or off. 

The fix: Install the Dusk to Dawn bulb away from other artificial light sources. The photocell sensor needs to sense the natural light/dark cycle, not be overwhelmed by the fake stuff. Put some distance between your bulb and any nearby streetlights or security lights. 

7. It’s Simply Burned Out  

At the end of the day, your Dusk to Dawn bulb could just be burned out. I know, it’s a bummer, but bulbs don’t last forever. If your bulb is flickering or not working at all, it might just be time for a replacement. Luckily, Sunco has a warranty period that lasts up to 9 years, so you can get your bulbs replaced for free. 

The fix: If all else fails and you've checked everything, it might be time for a new bulb. Try swapping it for a fresh bulb and see if the problem is resolved. Remember, Dusk to Dawn bulbs typically last a long time, but like all good things, they eventually come to an end. 

Bonus Tip: Check Your Electrical Setup 

This one requires a bit more electrical knowledge, but if you’ve tried everything else, still can’t get the Dusk to Dawn bulb to work, and are determined to keep at it, there might be an issue with your electrical setup. Check to see if the bulb is properly screwed in and getting power. If you’ve got multiple bulbs connected to the same circuit, try testing one at a time. If one bulb works and the other doesn’t, it’s probably not the bulb’s fault—it could be an issue with the circuit or fixture itself. 

Give Your Dusk to Dawn Bulb the Best Shot 

Now that you’re armed with these troubleshooting tips, there’s no reason your Dusk to Dawn bulb shouldn’t be working just like it’s supposed to. Remember, it’s all about the right environment. Give it some sunshine, clear the view of the sensor, and make sure it’s not too boxed in. If all else fails, give us a call. Our Customer Success team is always happy to help.  

1 comment

  • Posted on by Joann
    I have a dusk to dawn fixture outside my home. The bulb that’s been in there for 5+ years would always come on at night, if the inside switch is on. If that switch was off, the bulb wouldn’t light up at all. Now the fixture doesn’t work with that old bulb. I put in an incandescent just to check the function, and the bulb turns on if the switch is on, and off if the switch is off. Does this mean the old bulb is dead, or could the problem be the fixture?

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